Office 365 Backup

    Improve Office 365 backup with Mimecast.

    Why do you need Office 365 backup?

    Mimecast Cloud Archive and backup technology is critical for protecting against accidental or malicious loss of data and for complying with a wide variety of regulatory frameworks. In traditional on-premises environments, organizations often rely on best-of-breed hardware solutions and mail archiving software to achieve their backup objectives. When moving to Office 365, organizations may need similar cloud-based third-party solutions to fully protect data and improve Office 365 disaster recovery capabilities.


    Better backup for Office 365 mailbox items

    When moving to Microsoft Office 365, most customers expect that native Office 365 email backup and recovery tools will be sufficient to backup Office 365 mailbox data. Unfortunately, there may be significant data recovery gaps with built-in Office 365 backup solutions and organizations may not be covered for all types of data loss or corruption.

    To adequately backup Office 365 mailbox data, users and IT teams need fast, flexible solutions that can protect against data loss, corruption and malicious intent. Office 365 offers zero native backup recovery flexibility for user data, and end-user restore is limited and requires help from IT. And for all its benefits, Office 365 is vulnerable to the same threats as any cloud platform, including technical failure and human error that can lead to outages, downtime and data loss.

    To truly protect vital email assets, organizations must backup Office 365 mailbox items with third-party solutions that provide more powerful functionality and protection. That's exactly what thousands of organizations worldwide achieve with Office 365 archive mailbox capabilities from Mimecast.




    Improve Office 365 backup with Mimecast

    Microsoft Office 365 is a powerful business tool for collaboration and productivity, but Office 365 backup capabilities may not be sufficient for every organization.

    For organizations seeking to support their Office 365 environment with an easy and affordable backup solution, Mimecast offers a cloud-based suite of services for email security, continuity and archiving that provide comprehensive tools for Office 365 backup.


    Office 365 backup solutions from Mimecast

    Mimecast's all-in-one subscription service enables organizations to manage and protect business email more easily while reducing the risk, cost and complexity usually associated with email management solutions.

    Mimecast Enterprise Information Archiving delivers mailbox-level compliant archiving for an independent, verifiable Office 365 backup. Mimecast's solution provides a highly scalable and resilient cloud archive for email, files and Lync IM conversations, along with automated tools that allow administrators to manage retention policies, mailboxes, e-discovery and litigation requests more easily.

    Mimecast enables users to access and search archive data or restore deleted emails without help from IT. Users get fast access to any email sent or received – a 7-second search SLA means information contained in email is always at their fingertips. IT administrators get ultimate control of their Office 365 backup, managing policies and performing administrative global search from a centralized console.

    Mimecast ensures data integrity and security through encrypted, secure storage in multiple geographically dispersed data centers, with triplicate copies of each stored for built-in redundancy. With pricing based on the number of employees rather than the volume of email, Mimecast can help to significantly lower the total cost of ownership.


    Benefits of Mimecast's Office 365 backup

    Mimecast supports and improves Office 365 backup by providing:

    • Flexible, policy-driven retention of email, files and Lync IM conversations.
    • Fast Outlook email search, enabling employees to be more productive.
    • Comprehensive support for compliance, e-discovery and litigation requests, including legal hold, case management and data export.
    • Complete archive access logging including searches and message views.
    • Access to archives available on any device, from any location.

    Mimecast also augments Office 365 backup with Mimecast Mailbox Continuity, a service that provides uninterrupted access to email and calendar information, even when Office 365 is experiencing outages.

    Learn more about Office 365 backup with Mimecast.


    Office 365 Backup and Recovery FAQs


    What is disaster recovery in Office 365?

    Disaster recovery is the process of getting Office 365 applications (such as Microsoft Word, Excel, Outlook, etc.) back to normal operation following a major network failure. Analogously, if telecommunication wires are damaged during a major storm, how do companies find ways to continue communicating? Disaster recovery is the cyber-equivalent, and Office 365 has limited capabilities to provide adequate disaster recovery for most organizations.

    What is the difference between backup and recovery and disaster recovery?

    Backup is simply a copy of your data, recovery is accessing your data, and disaster recovery is insurance that you can access your data.

    It’s important to have all three so that you never lose access to important data, whether there’s a network failure beyond your organization’s control, a disgruntled employee tries to delete important files, or someone simply forgets to save a document and closes out of the application.

    How do I recover deleted emails in Office 365?

    Check your “deleted” folder for the deleted email. If you find the one you want to restore, you can right click the email and move it to your inbox. Bear in mind this folder may be periodically purged automatically and may make some emails inaccessible.

    Your best option for recovering deleted emails is a cloud-based backup system, which essentially serves as a vault that you can access when you need it, but it doesn’t clutter your inbox. With cloud-based backups like Mimecast offers, you can access any email any time.

    Related Office 365 Backup Resources

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