
    Threat Intelligence Hub

    Mimecast threat research delivers analysis of threat activity, statistics revealing attack trends, and recommendations for small businesses and large enterprises to protect their employees and mitigate the impact of risky users.

    H2 2024 Global Threat Intelligence Snapshot

    Humans continue to play a primary role in most breaches, whether it's falling victim to social engineering attacks or brand impersonation scams.


    Advanced attack infrastructure

    Attackers are Living Off Trusted Services (LOTS), using Microsoft's, Google's, and Evernote's cloud services to host payloads and landing pages.


    Chaos via world events

    Business, political, and cybersecurity experts have increasingly warned that geopolitical tensions and cybersecurity risks are linked, as cybercriminals use them to sow chaos.


    AI enables cybercrime

    The spread of AI chat bots allows even would-be cybercriminals to gain the skills necessary for hacking.

    H2 2024 Global Threat Intelligence Report

    Mimecast processed more than 90 billion data points for over 42,000 customers, flagging more than 5 billion threats in the second half of 2024. Our research indicates humans continue to play the primary role in most breaches.

    Threat Landscape in Charts

    The threat landscape in the second half of 2024 showed increasing use of consumer and business cloud services as a way for attackers to avoid detection. Read on to explore how Mimecast data analysis illustrates the threat landscape.


    Threats per User by Attack Type

    While spam continues to account for the vast majority of messages blocked by Mimecast in H2 2024, phishing attacks, which typically include a URL to an attacker-controlled site or service, saw slow growth through the half.

    Top Targeted Industries by Threats per User

    The Arts, Entertainment & Recreation sector encountered the greatest number of threats per user (TPUs), with most attacks consisting of emails and messages with malicious payloads. The Professional Services: Legal and Media & Publishing sectors saw the next highest threat intensity, with each encountering nearly 9 TPUs.

    Top Vulnerabilities Over Time

    Comparing the Top 10 vulnerabilities detected by Mimecast as part of an email or delivered as a link, seven issues have an Exploitability Prediction Scoring System (EPSS) score of at least 0.88 which equates to an 88% chance of exploitation within the next 30 days, while two vulnerabilities — both discovered in 2024 — have yet to be registered as exploited.

    Cloud Service Abuse

    Attackers are increasingly living off trusted services (LOTS) in an effort to bypass defenses that rely on identifying attacks by spotting untrusted code, resources, and online services.

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    RiskRadar Species

    Detect, Analyze, Action

    Detecting threats is their craft. Using echolocation, they emit high-frequency sounds that bounce off objects, giving them a detailed map of their surroundings.
    Masters of analysis with highly developed nervous system and large brain. They excel in adapting to their environment and overcoming challenges, making them a standout in threat intelligence.
    Known for their problem-solving and teaching skills. Always educating, and taking action. Your go-to for cybersecurity risk mitigation strategies.
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