    Email & Collaboration Threat Protection

    The State of Email & Collaboration Security 2024

    Human risk, generative AI, and the rise in cyber preparedness

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    Key Points

    • Human risk is today’s biggest cybersecurity gap and remains largely unaddressed.               
    • Email remains the number-one attack vector for cybercriminals, and phishing attacks remain the top threat to email users.
    • A key reason for the accelerated spread of phishing and ransomware is the emergence of generative AI, which makes it easier for threat actors to perpetrate successful attacks.
    • Bad actors are taking advantage of the rapid spread and growing reliance on collaborative software, which expands an organization’s attack surface.

    As concern over human risk management and generative AI grows, Mimecast’s eighth annual email security study — expanded for 2024 to include the risks associated with collaboration tools — is heartening, however, as it demonstrates a dramatic rise in cyber preparedness among businesses worldwide.

    The need to address human risk and security awareness training among users across the organization provides the backdrop for this year's report. Based on interviews with 1,100 CISOs and other information technology professionals from numerous industrial sectors and six countries, the report documents the precise nature of these risks and the steps that are being taken to overcome them.

    Get the key insights needed to prepare your organization for the challenging year head by downloading the full report.

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