Case Study
    Transportation, Storage & Delivery
    North America
    Insider Risk Management & Data Protection

    Lyft Uses Incydr to “Take the Blinders Off” of High-Value Data Movement

    "The big thing we were trying to solve was that we had no idea where our data was going. We just had no visibility whatsoever. It was honestly just like running around with blinders on."

    Jae Ward, 
    Security Analyst


    Customer case study story lyft.svg



    Challenge: Data blind spots keep growing – especially in the cloud

    Lyft had major investments in security tech in place, including built-in security tools within their existing tech. But Lyft’s security analyst Jae Ward still struggled to fully see all their critical data — and more importantly, to see it move.

    Cloud visibility was a particular blind spot, specifically Google Drive. “We use it for everything from disseminating training guides for our drivers, hiring materials, to internal things. If it needs to be shared, it’s in Google Drive,” explains Ward. Yet despite Google Workspace tools, the security team had virtually no visibility into data movement on Google Drive. They didn’t even know how big their Google Drive footprint was. As the company continued its rapid growth, it became increasingly clear that they needed to address these blind spots — particularly as they prepared for an IPO.


    Solution: Instant visibility to data activity in the cloud with Incydr

    “We went from not really understanding anything about what was going on with our data, to seeing everything with Incydr,” says Ward. “We are able to see everything down to the minutiae of someone uploading a specific screenshot to Slack, up to the broader strokes of someone sharing an entire folder in Google Drive to an outside entity.” Incydr also provides the Lyft security team with critical, full visibility into their remote and flexible workforce.

    “Mimecast Incydr does a lot more than just tick boxes for us. It’s not just something that’s there that we have for auditing purposes. It’s something we engage with daily. We’re constantly monitoring it. We can rely on it. It’s kind of our source of truth, to put it really simply, more than anything else.”


    Results: Much needed focus on Lyft’s greatest data risks

    The ability to fully see data activity — and more importantly, see what’s riskiest — is empowering not just for the Lyft security team, but to Lyft’s growth plans. Case in point: Incydr played a large role in Lyft’s preparations for its 2019 IPO. “We brought in Incydr just prior to us going public as a company, and it really saved our bacon,” explains Ward. “Going from complete blindness to seeing everything all at once was a little overwhelming,” she says, “But it gave us that assurance that we know what’s happening now.”

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