Business Email Compromise (BEC)
Prevent business
email compromise threats
Block advanced business email compromise threats and gain visibility
into your most targeted users - all from one integrated AI powered platform.
Protecting against business email
compromise requires more than AI
AI is essential for combating BEC; it adapts to evolving threats, but security teams
must integrate AI with proven methods. The challenge? Managing and tuning vast
amounts of data due to high false positives from AI-only solutions.
Evolving threats evade defenses
Threat actors continuously change their techniques requiring detections that do not rely on signatures or heuristics.
Fragmented multi-tool solutions
A broader attack surface creates an overwhelming amount of data for security teams to parse.
False positives from AI-only security
AI-only solutions often generate false positives, requiring constant tuning and human oversight.
Advanced BEC Protection: AI where you need it most
To effectively identify anomalies and suspicious emails, artificial intelligence capabilities are essential for detecting even the subtlest signs of malicious activity. Mimecast’s Advanced BEC protection utilizes AI to analyze communication patterns, writing styles, and contextual clues to block threats beyond malware or phishing links.
By leveraging billions of signals from across our platform, our AI detection continuously adapts to evolving threats using a multi-layered approach that prevents potential financial losses and data breaches.
Mimecast's connected human risk management platform offers administrators deep visibility into BEC threats, providing actionable insights for informed security policy decisions and targeted mitigation strategies.
One email security solution to protect your communications
What makes Mimecast stand out?
Message Analysis
Focus on understanding the context, nuances, and implications of both the message and subject line to accurately interpret the true intention
Social Graph
Analyzes sender-recipient relationships, communication reputations, and verifies domains including freemail, newly registered, and typo-squatted domains
Threat Visibility
An organized, consolidated view of critical information, including a detection explanation with detailed evidence and information on impacted users
Policy Modeling
Evaluate the impact of sensitivity level adjustments by comparing actioned emails to determine the status of each level
Sichern Sie Ihre Zusammenarbeit mit einer vernetzten Plattform
Mimecasts vernetzte Human-Risk-Management-Plattform, die auf einer zentralen Risiko-Engine aufbaut, wurde entwickelt, um raffinierte Bedrohungen zu verhindern, die auf meschlichen Fehlern innerhalb von Organisationen zurückzuführen sind.