    Email Security

    Comprehensive Phishing and BEC Protection

    Integrated Multi-Layered Solution to Address Phishing and Business Email Compromise Attacks

    Wichtige Punkte

    • Harness AI-powered detection to block phishing and business email compromise.
    • One platform to protect collaboration – regardless of the attack.
    • Empower admins to make informed decisions with actionable insights.

    Email is still how business gets done. But, this makes it the perfect target for phishing and business email compromise attacks. Cybercriminals are using increasing convincing tactics to trick employees into revealing sensitive information, clicking malicious links, or downloading harmful attachments.

    Effective prevention of phishing and BEC attacks demands more than a single-solution approach due to the limited view of the threat. Relying solely on AI is insufficient, as AI alone may not catch all the nuanced tactics employed by cybercriminals. It is important to remember that while AI is a powerful tool in detecting anomalies and patterns, it works best when complemented by other security measures.

    Download this solution brief to learn more about how utilizing a combination of threat intelligence, authentication protocols, and AI-driven detection, creates a comprehensive defense strategy against phishing and BEC attacks.

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