Archive File

    Archive file data with a cloud-based solution.

    Archive file data with a cloud-based solution

    Technology to archive file and email data is essential for effective information management. The amount of data in your organization is growing exponentially while legal requirements and employee demand necessitate that data be more available and searchable than ever before. Yet traditional archive data solutions – with on-premises hardware and software systems and the personnel to manage them – are increasingly complex and costly.

    Cloud-based archiving from Mimecast provides a simpler, more cost-effective alternative. With Mimecast, you can archive file and email data in a single repository, simplifying search and retrieval. Centralized control of retention policies streamlines administrative tasks, and comprehensive support for e-discovery and litigation requirements makes compliance a breeze. When you archive file and email data with Mimecast, IT resource demands and costs are dramatically lowered.




    Archive file data with Mimecast

    Mimecast Enterprise Information Archiving offers a highly scalable and secure cloud platform where you can archive file and email data for quick retrieval. A central part of Mimecast's all-in-one cloud email service, Mimecast Enterprise Information Archiving makes file and email archiving as simple as possible.

    When you archive file data with Mimecast, a Mimecast software agent collects and securely transmits data from network file shares and folders to the Mimecast cloud archive. Administrators can identify which files should be archived using flexible and granular policies. You can archive file data based on file type, file size and the dates the file was created, modified and last accessed. File data is held in a specified, geographically-defined region for greater security.


    Benefits when you archive file data with Mimecast

    Mimecast's archiving solution provides:

    • A central data store where you can archive file data, email and IM conversations.
    • Fast search capabilities and a 7-second search SLA.
    • Access to employee personal archives on any device, from anywhere.
    • Encryption and secure storage, with data stored in multiple data centers.
    • Storage with strong chains of custody for greater data assurance.
    • A cloud-based email infrastructure enabling you to archive file and email data in the cloud, rather than using expensive on-premises hardware and software.
    • A pricing structure based on number of employees rather than volume of data, helping to reduce costs.

    Learn more about how to archive file data with Mimecast, and about other Mimecast business email solutions.

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