Archive Data Solutions

    Simplify data retention with cloud-based archive data solutions.

    Simplify data retention with cloud-based archive data solutions

    Archive data solutions are essential for managing the growing volumes of data files and email in your organization. But traditional business email solutions requiring a significant amount of hardware and software – and the personnel to manage it – only add cost and complexity to IT departments already faced with shrinking budgets and limited resources.

    Cloud-based archive data solutions from Mimecast offer easy-to-use tools to archive and manage data at a lower cost than traditional archiving solutions. With Mimecast archive data solutions, you not only get cloud archiving that scales easily to meet your needs, but flexible tools to manage storage, retention, search, e-discovery and email security as well.




    Archive data solutions from Mimecast

    Mimecast Enterprise Information Archiving provides a secure, dependable and highly scalable cloud platform that avoids the need for on-premises archive data solutions. Combining fast search capabilities with automated tools for administrators, Mimecast's archive data solutions let you radically simplify the tasks associated with email retention.

    Archive data solutions from Mimecast provide:

    • Fast search and access, equipping employees and administrators with tools to find any email within seconds.
    • Automated tools to manage mailbox size and retention policies.
    • Administrative global search and e-discovery cases for quick response to potential litigation.
    • Complete archive access logging, including searches and message views.
    • Access to email from any device, at any time.
    • Encrypted, secure storage in multiple, geographically-dispersed data centers.
    • Built-in redundancy with a copy of each message stored in three different locations.
    • Pricing based on the number of your employees rather than the volume of email.


    Archive data solutions for files and IM conversations

    Mimecast archive data solutions enable you to archive file data and IM conversations alongside email in a single, secure and fully-indexed cloud archive. Tamper-resistant chains of custody help provide data assurance and Mimecast's resilient parallel grid architecture means that even the backups have backups. With fast search capabilities and centralized control of retention and policy management, Mimecast's archive data solutions simplify e-discovery and compliance while providing employees with instant access to the information they need to be productive.

    Learn more about archive data solutions from Mimecast, and about the security and continuity features of Mimecast's cloud email service.

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