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    Mimecast’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Journey

    by Jennifer Odogwu

    Last year marked a turning point in the global dialogue as it relates to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). The call for racial justice was prevalent across front pages around the world, and it was a call heard by millions. Mimecast believes companies like ours play a key role in facilitating inclusive communities, both within our employee population and beyond.

    We have taken immediate steps to empower marginalized populations through non-profit programs, including a corporate charitable grant to the Equal Justice Initiative. The Equal Justice Initiative is committed to ending mass incarceration and excessive punishment in the United States, to challenging racial and economic injustice, and to protecting basic human rights for the most vulnerable people in American society.

    Our support of the Equal Justice Initiative is just one piece of our philanthropic commitment to racial equity, which we’ve grounded on a multi-year partnership with Year Up. Year Up deploys workforce development and internship opportunities to expand economic opportunity for urban young adults.

    Internally, Mimecast is proud to sponsor three core Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) that focus on the advancement of women, LGBTQ+, and people of color. Each with a dedicated Executive Sponsor, our ERGs play an instrumental role in facilitating dialogue, the development of human resources programs and policies, and ongoing external outreach to relevant partners.

    Our senior leaders have completed core unconscious bias and inclusive leadership training and we have facilitated important conversations surrounding allyship, courageous conversations and DEI fundamentals for all employees to learn more and voice their opinions openly.

    Our efforts in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion are further bolstered by the introduction of our new global DEI strategy, developed in collaboration with our Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Council. Launched in May 2021, our strategy includes defined goals, targets and accountability measures against workforce representation, advancement and retention to facilitate meaningful action across all areas of our business.

    We’re excited about the progress we’ve made to date on supporting a world where all of us have the opportunity to thrive and look forward to sharing more in our updates throughout the months ahead.

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