New Mimecast Services for Office 365 Add Critical Security, Archiving and Risk Management Capabilities

    Enterprises Now Get Additional Data Redundancy, Assured Email Availability and Broad Spectrum Security for Office 365 with the Mimecast Cloud

    Mimecast, the enterprise cloud services provider, has announced services to support enterprises moving to Microsoft Office 365 by directly addressing risks associated with data redundancy, high availability and the need for protection against targeted attacks. Mimecast’s new services build on Office 365’s key benefits – lower total cost of ownership (TCO), greater agility, reduced complexity and improved collaboration – by providing CIOs with a range of additional cloud services that mitigate the risk of moving mission-critical applications like email, as well as corporate data, to a single cloud vendor.

    Orlando Scott-Cowley, director of technology marketing, Mimecast, commented: “Increasing numbers of organizations want to move their messaging, email and archiving to the cloud. But moving these critical services to a single cloud vendor then raises additional concerns for many that still need to be addressed before they are willing to move. The combination of Microsoft and Mimecast cloud services means even the most conservative of enterprises can embrace the cloud, and decommission the expensive on-premises solutions that have built up on the LAN.”

    He continued: “Moving to the cloud doesn’t negate the need for a broad and effective business continuity plan. With the combined strength of Mimecast’s targeted set of solutions and Microsoft’s industry-leading cloud platform, organizations now have the ability to choose services from more than one vendor, spreading the risk and protecting both their data and end users. Mimecast’s new services for Office 365 are the last piece in the puzzle needed to enable enterprises to make the move to the cloud without further delay.”

    Mimecast’s Office 365 services include:

    • High Availability Email Gateway for Office 365 – A complete continuity platform for Microsoft Office 365, delivered from the Mimecast Cloud. The service delivers email to end users during planned or unplanned outages of any part of their email infrastructure, including Office 365 – a key business continuity and disaster recovery planning consideration.
    • Broad Spectrum Email Security for Office 365–A multifaceted Secure Email Gateway that overlays Office 365 and Exchange Online Protection to give customers a blended cloud security solution. This multi-layered, blended cloud approach to security includes Mimecast’s anti-spear-phishing Targeted Threat Protection offering, and supports comprehensive protection in a constantly changing threat landscape.
    • Journal Archiving for Office 365–An independent, immutable perpetual archive of allemail to Mimecast’s cloud archive for added data resilience and backup purposes. Content can be rapidly accessed by end users and eDiscovery workers for improved productivity and to satisfy eDiscovery requirements.
    • Legacy Archive Data Management for Office 365 – Allows historical email archive content to be rapidly ingested into the Mimecast Archive, and be easily accessible to support improved productivity, eDiscovery and compliance needs. It helps remove the cost and complexity of managing legacy on-premise archives.
    • Large File Send for Office 365 – Mimecast’s Large File Send (LFS) is available for Office 365, making email attachment size limits irrelevant through the ability to seamlessly send and receive large files via email.
    • Federated Enterprise Services for Office 365– Provides unified policy administration and control across complex environments. This supports hierarchical policy inheritance, unified administration logon and discovery, and archive isolation of view requirements.


    About Mimecast

    Mimecast is a leader in enterprise cloud services for the protection and management of corporate human generated data. The company’s email security and cloud archiving services are built on Mimecast’s world-leading secure cloud platform and optimized for Microsoft Exchange and Office 365. Mimecast Email Security protects against inbound and outbound email-borne threats, deliberate or accidental data leaks and email service outages. Mimecast Cloud Archive unifies email, file and Instant Messaging data to give end-users fast access to their personal archive via PC, Mac and mobile apps. Other end-user productivity tools include Large File Send which allows users to send large attachments from within email. For IT teams, Mimecast gives them a single administration console that provides centralized management of security and content protection as well as retention policies to support compliance and eDiscovery requirements. Founded in 2003, the company has over 10,000 customers, nearly 3 million users and works with over 800 channel partners worldwide. Mimecast has offices in Europe, North America, Africa and Australia.


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