Case Study
    Small Medium Business
    Transportation Storage Delivery
    Asia Pacific
    Email Collaboration Threat Protection

    Port Authority of NSW

    1. What challenges were you facing before you brought Mimecast on board?

    Prior to implementing Mimecast, we were using a physical on-premises Email filtering device that we found clunky to use and manage, as well as having some issues around ability to block all SPAM Messages – permitting approx. 12% SPAM by total email volume.

    2. What made you choose Mimecast over other solutions you may have explored?

    Following Port Authority’s procurement guidelines, the team reviewed and compared the leading mail filtering solutions available in the market. Mimecast was selected for its demonstrated effectiveness in blocking SPAM, the superior design, usability and responsiveness of its management portal and proactive support services. Ease and speed of implementation, cloud architecture and price point were also key factors.

    3. What quantifiable benefits has your organisation realised since the implementation?

    Since migrating to Mimecast, SPAM detection and blocking performance has improved significantly – with spam pass through rates dropping to approx. 1% of mail by volume. The IT team has also benefited from reduced overheads in both terms of time and the effort it was taking to manage the administration of the portal and wider filtering solution.

    4. What advice do you have for peers in a similar industry or organisation that may be facing the same challenges you were?

    Ensure they consider the ‘big picture’ when reviewing filtering and security solutions. In addition to effective filtering performance, ease of use and wider support services are also important, as is availability of complementary services such as employee awareness, training tools and knowledgebases.

    5. Anything else you would like to add?

    A significant factor in the success of Mimecast within the Port Authority has been the outstanding support and pro-active relationship we have enjoyed building with the local Mimecast team.

    Ian Chilton - Senior Manager, Solution, Development & Services

    George Tzikas - IT Senior Infrastructure Specialist

    port authority of nsw logo.png

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