Directory Sync

    Simplify Mimecast management with Directory Sync.

    Simplify Mimecast management with directory sync

    As you prepare to connect your infrastructure to Mimecast, you'll want to take full advantage of Mimecast Directory Sync and LDAP integration to automate management of Mimecast users and groups using your company directory.

    You can use the Directory Sync tool to connect to Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft Outlook and other email clients, enhancing and extending Mimecast capabilities to your users. By enabling LDAP authentication, Mimecast Directory Sync lets you eliminate the administrative burden of managing Mimecast users and groups manually, while enabling features and minimizing the time required to configure and maintain Mimecast services.




    Considerations before using directory sync

    Before you connect your company directory to Mimecast infrastructure with Directory Sync, you may need to take one or more of the following steps.

    • Export archived data. In order to import historical messages in your existing archives, you may need a well-designed plan for exporting the data first.
    • Document policies and settings. Depending on your email client, you may not be able to export existing organization policies and settings. In this case, you'll want to document or record the required policies and settings that will be recreated in Mimecast. This will ensure that accounts behave the same way when email flow is moved to Mimecast.
    • Establish validation and testing. To ensure a smooth deployment, our Connect Team runs tests at each stage of the deployment process. But we also recommend that clients plan and provision their own acceptance testing to validate that everything has worked correctly.


    Directory sync options for integrating your company's directory

    Mimecast Directory Sync offers a number of options for LDAP configuration.

    • Active Directory Sync with the Mimecast Synchronization Engine. This option securely and automatically synchronizes Active Directory users to Mimecast using a secure outbound connection from your internal network.
    • Office 365/Windows Azure Active Directory. For organizations that are already synchronizing an on-premises Active Directory to Windows Azure, Mimecast delivers a cloud-to-cloud Azure Active Directory Sync.
    • LDAP Active Directory Sync. This sync option uses an inbound LDAP connection to automatically synchronize Active Directory users and groups to Mimecast.

    Mimecast Directory Sync offers integration for Domino Directory, with a sync feature to automate the management of users and groups.

    The Mimecast helpdesk is available 24/7 to provide expert advice on using Directory Sync, and our Mimecaster Central community provides additional resources including a Knowledge Base containing video tutorials and troubleshooting guides.

    Learn more about Mimecast's Directory Sync, and about Mimecast eDiscovery services and healthcare cloud security solutions.

    Related Directory Sync Resources

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