    Email Collaboration Threat Protection

    Social Engineering Defense

    Detect targeted email attacks, prevent data leaks, and limit attacker reconnaissance with CyberGraph

    Key Points

    • Email threats are more targeted and sophisticated than ever
    • Social engineering and malware-less attacks can evade detection
    • Readily available information leads to highly-personalized phishing and impersonation attacks
    • Simple mistakes can have devastating consequences

    “CyberGraph empowers employees with colorcoded, contextual, dynamic warning banners embedded in suspicious emails. Employees can report emails as safe or malicious.”

    Email threats are getting more targeted and sophisticated, with cybercriminals relying on tactics like social engineering and malware-less attacks to evade detection. With more and more information available about people and the organizations they support, the ability to craft highly-personalized phishing and impersonation emails grows, making employees more vulnerable than ever. And simple mistakes – whether that means clicking on a malicious link or even inadvertently populating an incorrect email address – can have devastating consequences.

    Key Benefits include:

    • Limiting intelligence gathering that can help a bad actor craft a highly targeted attack.

    • Detecting sophisticated, highly targeted email threats with social graphing technology.

    • Strengthening protection without the burden of rule configuration.

    • Engaging users at the point of risk with warning banners embedded only in suspicious emails.

    • Empowering users and strengthening the machine learning model through user reporting.

    • Automatically updating email warning banners for all employees across all devices when risk levels change.

    • Alerting employees to potentially misaddressed emails to help prevent data leaks.

    • Stopping mistakes from developing into security incidents.

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